A Crisis of Trust in America

By Bennet Harvey

Americans’ overall trust in mass news media has been on a steep decline since the late 1970s, according to Gallup Group polling.  In 2022 the percentage of Citizens stating No Confidence in all exceeds both those with a Great Deal / Fair Amount, or Not Very Much trust and confidence in mass media news reporting.

When broken down by Citizens’ political affiliation, the picture is quite different.  Democrats have always had the most trust followed by Independents and then Republicans.  All Citizen trust descended in near parallel paths until 2016.  However, at that point the parties’ paths diverged dramatically.  In 2015 the gap was about 25%.  By 2018 the gap reached nearly 60%, and by 2020 it was 65%.

From 1996 to 2003 biannual election year data consistently shows Democrats’ movement of trust moving in the opposite direction from Republicans and Independents.  Beginning in 2003 all three political groups move together in the same direction, up or down, much more frequently than before 2003.  

The data below clearly shows the distribution of trust in news media acros the political spectrum.

The Gallup Trust Data by party totaled from 2020 to 2022 are broken out below by Age, Political Ideology, and Education.  

  • By Age the data shows that trust increases by age for Democrats and Independents, but for Republicans the middle age range is lowest by more than half.
  • By Political Ideology Democrats have consistently high trust in news media.  Independents trust declines from liberal to moderate to conservative.  Moderate Republicans trust in news media is twice the level of conservative Republicans.
  • College Education does not distinguish between Democrats or between Republicans.  College Educated Independents have nearly 50% more trust than Independents without college education. 

Declining trust in news media is accompanied by news fatigue across the political spectrum.  Lower rating of news quality aligns with greater news fatigue.

Republicans more than Democrats feel they are misunderstood by news media.  Among Democrats, lower interest in the news corresponds with a greater feeling of being misunderstood by news media.

The Gallup data below from July 2017 shows the consistent decline in trust across public institutions.  Only the Military and Small Business saw gains in trust in recent decades.  All others saw dramatic declines.  News media is near the bottom spot held by Congress. 

  • Trust in Newspapers declines by 27 points from 51% to 24%.
  • Trust in Television News declined 25 points from 46% to 21%. 


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ReNews Will Demonstrate a New News Media Ecosystem

By Bennet Harvey

Outside the login, this site discusses the erosion of the critical role of news media in American Democracy.  This page documents the problem with a wide range of articles and studies by many of the leading news media foundations, think tanks and research organizations.

If you recognize that this is a critical problem for our democracy, and you are prepared to share responsibility for creating a new, sustainable and Citizen-centric news media, then please Request a Login and let us know how you’d like to help.

Inside the login, we offer qualified Citizens and organizations a confidential preview of ReNews’ dramatically new Citizen experience and economic model for news in American democracy.  [Read More]

Under the old news media model, news publishers and political advertisers have bought and sold Citizens, their data, and their civic responsibilities to the highest bidder.  

ReNews has rearchitected this ecosystem to give each Citizen control over the information they consume, and over all uses of their personal private information.

If you find that ReNews is a worthwhile path forward please join us:

  • Download our iOS and Android Apps or use the ReNews.us website (Available early 2023). 
  • Use ReNews to maintain full visibility into all US news, issue areas, and policy proposals specifically relevant to you.
  • Monitor influence campaigns embedded in news and political ads which constantly try to convince you to vote against your best interests.
  • Use ReNews’ context engine to confidently build your own data-driven positions on policies across the political landscape. 
  • Manage your civic responsibilities and action opportunities, whatever your political background.
  • Make a tax-deductible donation to support ReNews Context Services, a 501c3 non-profit and non-partisan Context Journalism newsroom. 
  • Register your portfolio as a working journalist and engage with Citizens and reporting opportunities through your Journalist Profile Page.

With Whom Are We Competing? – DRAFT

There is a long standing business school argument that a ‘perfect market’ or perfectly competitive economic system can be trusted to always make the correct allocation of society’s resources.  

But the discussion rarely gets to questions like ‘correct based on what objective?  Equity?  Merit?  Privilege?  Race?  Gender?  Age?  Geography?’  A marketplace which favors any one of these dimensions can never be  justified morally, measured accurately, or protected against self-serving corruption.

Public policy regarding allocation of resources is usually positioned as being about fairness for society vs. freedom for the individual.  If an individual is able to play within the established legal and regulatory system and create unprecedented personal wealth, does that mean it should entirely belong to them?  A long history of tax policy affirms society’s commitment to some level of collective responsibility. The only question is ‘what should be the formula?’ 

Perhaps it should be guided by the words of  Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, “every billionaire is a failure of policy.”    

The ideal of a merit-based economic system may have been expressed most compellingly for Citizen consumption in the 20th century in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, but that novel also shed transparency into what she idolized as merit – creative inspiration. 

What is Inspiration?

The word “inspiration” means ‘to breath into.’  Humanity has clearly understood and documented in its very vocabulary the assumption that many, if not all, creative insights come from a source outside the individual.  

Some think of religion.  Others visualize the influence of a demi-god muse as being the source of creativity.  In another vein, the term ingenious refers to ‘natural capacity.’  Is the natural capacity of a member of our species to receive the vast majority of the benefits of our natural capacity?  Every other species in nature demonstrates otherwise.

In all of these cases, and in centuries of memoire and literature great writers and scientists have expressed the belief they were a vehicle for some other creative source, more than taking credit as the sole creator themselves.  This belief may be held by the majority of those we call creative. 

The very nature of the concept of inspiration is embedded in human consciousness.  Can we not, as humans, therefore accept this truth to be self-evident?  Can we agree that inspiration which changes society for better or worse, does in some way belong to society?

Allocation of Inspiration

Can we better and more clearly define a range within which both the individual and society may benefit from inspiration?  Is it the role of the individual in choosing to give away their wealth, as suggested by the Billionaire’s Giving Pledge?  Or do Citizens need to take back responsibility for better defining and regulating the excess or insufficient allocation of wealth to find a fairer path forward?

History demonstrates that these decisions have been made again and again across societies. And yet the gap between extreme rich and extreme poor is approaching midieval levels..



The Case for Broader Sharing of Societal Innovation

The fruits of any single person’s inspiration are founded on their shared humanity, not their independence from society.  Today’s innovations are built on the shoulders of giants of history.  No single Citizen may claim ownership of that history.  Why should they be able to claim exclusive ownership of what is, by definition, an incremental improvement?

Arguments for this position span domains, including:

    1. The use of prior innovations in the creation of new ones.
    2. The use of publicly funded infrastructure to make the operation of any innovation possble.
    3. The costs of unintended consequences are rarely, if ever, charged back to the creators and funders of innovations, and are usually borne by the broader population of less privileged members of society.
    4. The venture capital and private equity ecosystems value capital more than intellectual property or management effort, through egregious preferred stock terms usually unavailable to the common Citizen.
    5. The venture capital and private equity ecosystems have evolved legal and financial methods to extract controlling interest from those with the original inspiration, and equity participation from Citizen workers who deliver the innovation to customers.

What Do the Inspired Believe?

Those who have perceived a glimpse of the future usually refer to it as a gift granted by some undefined creative process which is as likely to have come from outside the self as being created from scratch by the individual’s sole efforts.

A foundational question for any democracy is the extent to which rewards should be exclusively granted to a limited few or more broadly.  Society must also decide whether constraints on personal wealth will be voluntary or legislated.

Society’s laws and regulations are what determine the extent an individual may personally benefit from their own inspiration.  To date, the laws of ‘developed’ countries have granted extensive ownership rights to individuals for their inspirations.  Capitalism rewards those who have been blessed with inspiration (or financial control of inspiration) in several ways: 

    1. 20-year patent rights,
    2. copyright for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years, and
    3. near-monopolistic corporate rights until legislation and regulation are able to catch up with new technology (now a nearly impossible feat). 

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard said “Every billionaire is a failure of policy” and willed his company to benefit society and the environment in perpetuity.  Chouinard voluntarily removed Patagonia from ever being sold in the venture capital and private equity ecosystem, but his company remains a for-profit benefit corporation for the sole benefit of society through the environment.

Time Out!

At this moment, in our period of history, the readers of this article will be about evenly divided in reacting either “Of course!” or ” Communism!”  This is conditioning we have received through our divisive news and political advertising.  Not to mention the far more influential social media.  

Society has always decided how resources are allocated and that allocation has never been equitable in any economic system.  Democracy, Communism and Fascism have all demonstrated a tendency to aggregate power and resources among a small minority, so it is difficult to judge between economic systems based on political systems.

Examples of Conscious Governance

Instead of accepting the conventional competitive positionings of economic and political systems as the only solution, Reconstitution creates demonstrations of alternative collaborative approaches.  our frameworks are often focused on data transparency and application of the scientific method to identify the policy levers most likely to drive intended outcomes.

A number of countries including the US have measured their societal and public policy landscapes extensively and consistently for decades and even centuries, making academic study and experimentation possible. 

By applying analytics and policy experimentation to this data a number of societal insights have become apparent, particularly in more progressive countries in Europe and Scandinavia.  In these countries societal measures have emerged revealing effective levers to improve public policy outcomes in education, excesses of corporate profits and executive pay, trends in public health and many other ‘hard news’ topics important to the average Citizen. 

We created ReNews because we believe this kind of trustworthy contextual information is important for Citizens to have close at hand when making important decisions about what to believe, and in choosing their positions on policies.  ReNews is designed to put the right information in each Citizen’s hands at the moment it’s needed.  

The magnified reach and availability of trustworthy information in each Citizen’s context will clarify Citizen best interests.  This added clarity can only help to transform today’s political and economic competition into a more collaborative process of public policy development. With greater collaboration will come fewer unintended consequences, and overall better outcomes.

We propose this solution become a utility of the news industry.  It will serve to enhance:

    1. the news consumption experience for Citizens,
    2. the news gathering experience for journalists,  and
    3. the ability of non-profit and local news publishers to focus on the editorial product.

ReNews is a demonstration of the magnified transparency news media could provide to Citizens.  

The ReNews Hypergraph Context Engine will allow ReNews to study the extent to which this greater Citizen transparency into societal analytics reinforces or undermines conventional US public policy approaches.  Anonymous Citizen profiles will allow us to understand exactly which beliefs of specific segments of society are impacted.


By enacting policies to directly influence these societal metrics, these countries have begun to solve problems that seem intractable in countries like the US. 


The format, depth and readership of US news coverage has fallen to the point that 


whether inspirations come into being for the benefit of the individual, or if the individual is the medium through which an inspiration to one person for the benefit of society.  Surely the medium deserves reward for nurturing themselves to a state in which they were prepared to receive inspiration.  But do they deserve to wield, for all time, the benefits of “their” inspiration?  Or is it their responsibility to pass the benefits of their inspiration on to society?

Reconstitution was founded as a demonstration of Citizens defining an alternative path forward independent of government legislation or regulation.  Reconstitution has chosen to balance societal benefit and investor benefit in a way that is fully compliant with current law, but which challenges the conventional wisdom of our economic system.

We are not trying to make billionaires of a few of our investors or employees.  We are not trying to run up an inflated valuation in order to sell and walk away from our responsibility.


And what is society’s duty to the inspired?  Is it to stymie or harvest the benefits of that inspiration and leave the inspired as an empty husk, a head on a pike on the castle walls as a warning to those who might also dare to bring change to society?  Or do we grant all benefit of inspiration to the medium, their associates and friends, leaving virtually nothing for broader society?

The Inquisition epitomized the former choice.  Today, America’s version of democratic capitalism represents the latter.

There is another, perhaps middle, path.  Society’s best interests may be to nurture the inspired and their methods so they may channel further inspiration. Perhaps society should support the medium in their specific field of inquiry. 

Presenting them with immense wealth and infinite options to manipulate that wealth outside their field of expertise and inspiration has repeatedly resulted in behaviors and outcomes unconnected to inspiration, but grounded in the sins and omissions of humanity’s weaknesses.

The force most responsible for contaminating the ‘perfection’ of markets is corruption, whether in industry or government.  There is plenty of both to go around in the American version of democratic capitalism, and all other versions in practice today.  Therefore the desired perfection of markets can never be perfect.  Therefore capitalism cannot be trusted to function ideally without guidance – regulation.  Regulation of a competitive economic system does not equate to a non-competitive non-merit-based communist system.

Where does that leave our democracy?  With an existential need for effective legal and regulatory design and enforcement. 

Reconstitution believes the critical societal function of regulation can also be guided by inspiration. 

There are those among us who have nurtured themselves to receive inspiration regarding process, analytics, and unintended consequences.  Some of these people are able to anticipate outcomes many generations in the future. 

Society needs to nurture those mediums of regulatory inspiration as much as it celebrates those who innovate the ungoverned technologies which run rampant across society in their early boom days. 

Society’s need is for a conscious balance between these opposing forces.  Instead of allowing speculative technologies like non-asset-backed currencies, trademark- and patent-violating generative technologies, and privacy-corrupt merchandising of Citizen identity which bring wealth to an influential few, and eventually extract wealth from the majority who have little comparative transparency or insight into the future of these innovations once the boom is over. 

Policy-Driven Experience of News




ReNews.us Privacy Policy (outside log-in)


  • Renews.us is currently an ‘under construction’ site designed to introduce Citizens, donors and partners to our plans to introduce a new experience of news media and civic engagement.
    • Outside the log-in this site reports on the issues with news media’s business model and Citizen experience which have led to dysfunction in news media’s role in American democracy.
    • Inside the log-in this site shares confidential details of our intellectual property and the ReNews initiative to restore trust in news media’s role in democratic governance.
  • Citizens who use the Request a Login form will be reviewed prior to being given login credentials and may be given a login to access the confidential information inside this site.
  • Some visitors requesting a login may receive one-time-use or short-term log-ins, depending on their role and area of interest.  When their log-in expires those visitors may continue engagement with ReNews team members directly, or may request that their login be renewed.
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  • By accessing information inside the login visitors agree to treat the information as Confidential and for their eyes only.
  • Any visitor wishing to share information with other Citizens must either make the request directly through members of the ReNews team, or suggest their contact use the Request a Login form.


  • Outside the log-in we only track total traffic and page views in aggregate.  We do not place permanent tracking cookies or handle third party cookies in any way outside the login.
  • ReNews.us does use cookies and WordPress plugins to track the activity of visitors inside the login of this temporary site for the purpose of understanding visitor interests in engaging with the ReNews initiative, and in order to protect our intellectual property. 
  • We do not handle third party cookies in any way inside the login.


  • ReNews Context Services 501C3 will accept donations from charitable Citizen-members to subsidize equal access to news and context services for all.
  • As part of transparency requirements of the Institute for Non-Profit News, ReNews Context Services will publish the identity of any donor of individual or collective donations over $5,000 in a calendar year.

Nieman Lab’s Predictions for Journalism 2023

Each year, Neiman Labs asks journalists and media executives what they think is coming in the next 12 months.  December 2022 produced a bumper crop of opinions, insights, wishful thinking, and warnings for 2023.  The full collection can be found on Neiman Labs site.

Below we highlight a list of several Neiman predictions which caught our attention when they envisioned one or another component of the soon-to-be-launched ReNews platform.  We believe ReNews will be the first time a comprehensive integrated solution has been proposed across this landscape.

    1.  The rot at the core of the news business – Christoph Mergerson – “Repairing the rot requires us to imagine a media system that isn’t centered nearly as much around profit motives — and then insist that our elected officials help to bring it about.”
    2. We’ll embrace policy remedies Jody Brannon“It’s time journalists, advertisers, technologists, regulators, lawmakers, and others convene to craft equitable standards of distribution and monetization of news content.” 
    3. The year journalism and capitalism finally divorce – Victor Pickard – “It is capitalism that incentivizes the degradation of our news media — disinvesting in local journalism, weaponizing social media to capture our attention and data, and devaluing media workers’ labor conditions.”
    4. Philanthropy stops investing in corporate mediaSimon Galperin – “It’s time for journalism philanthropy to ditch corporate media sellouts and double-down on supporting and expanding the non-commercial journalism sector.”
    5. More journalism funders will take more risksBarbara Raab – “Given that philanthropy is uniquely unaccountable for its performance, funders have great freedom to take risks and to experiment. Now is the time.”
    6. Democracies will get serious about saving journalismJulia Angwin – “If democracy is going to survive, we’re going to need to fund its watchdogs.”
    7. We’ll work together with our competitorsLarry Ryckman – “There’s a growing awareness that our readers are better served when we pool resources and tackle topics of public interest.”
    8. Local news will come to rely on AIBill Grueskin – “If we automate some commodity news, we can provide a lot more information to people who need it.”
    9. Local journalism steps up to the challenge of civic coverageJim Friedlich – “There is an urgent need to focus election coverage on the issues and the civic process — not the candidate horse race.”